to my friends

One of the things I have struggled the most with in our past few years of wandering is friendship.  Constant moving have left friends few and far between and me, very ofttimes, feeling rather lonely.  As an introvert, I struggle to interact with people, especially other women, and share what is going on.  I know I need to, but I shy away.  This week, all of you have proved me wrong.  A post that was written for the sake of remembering a tender moment years from now stimulated many heartfelt messages from so many of you.  Calls came in, emails, messages, and invitations.  By the end of Monday, I had plans booked with new friends for most of the week.  

My friends, thank you for responding as you did, for letting me bare my soul and share a very intimate moment.  I cannot begin to express the comfort you brought to me, letting me know that I am not alone.  Good friends are always there in spirit, as you have shown me this week.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for teaching me how to be a better friend.